
身為一個還滿喜歡閃亮亮飾品的me,最近雙11一直在看折扣,結果發現前陣子介紹的Blue Nile在打折!而且是6折起!

As a jewelry shopaholic, I'm hard working at searching good deal during Double 11 promotion season. And, I found BLUE NILE is on promotion. Save Up To 40% Off 


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Promo Code 【BLUENILE22


Here's Blue Nile introduction: 

如果有在美國居住過,應該或多或少都有聽過Blue Nile。前陣子剛好認識女兒同學媽媽,開始慢慢接觸鑽石的知識,進而在網路上搜尋了解Blue Nile。Blue Nile 是全球最大的網路鑽石銷售商,創立於1999年,擁有最豐富精準的裸鑽來源,簡單說,就是『名聲最大,貨源最多』。而且,Blue Nile 提供可靠的優質產品,用最公道的價格來販售。甚至,還可以依據喜好和預算,客製自己的設計,戒指、項鍊...等等。

If you have been living in the United States, you must hear Blue Nile. Recently I met my daughter American school classmate's mom, who is a jewelry design company CEO. Then I started to learn more about jewelry, especially diamonds, and know more about Blue Nile. Blue Nile is the biggest online dimond/jewlery retailer, founded in 1999. It has the most abundant diamond resource. Simply said, it's the most famous and best resource. And the price is very affordable and acceptable, unlike the other luxurious brands. As well, you can search on its website to customize your favorite style, 4C, budget, shape.....etc.


Blue Nile Petite Micropavé Diamond Ring  我非常喜歡線戒,覺得他算是從年紀輕到老都可以戴,非常有氣質,現在這款打7折。
I really like this kind of ring. Especially, it's suitable from the youth until elder age. It's very elegant. Now, this one is 30% off. 

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Blue Nile Petite Twist Diamond Eternity Ring  如果像我手指不是那麼修長型,可以考慮這款,我的婚戒又是這種,有Eternity造型,就不會顯得手指胖胖短短。
If your finger is not very long and straight, you can consider this kind of Eternity Ring. My wedding ring is like this one. 

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Blue Nile Riviera Pavé Diamond Ring 這款也是很多人婚戒會選擇的,搭配大顆鑽戒超好看。

This one is also a popular style. It's so perfect with a engagement ring. 

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Blue Nile Riviera Pavé Sapphire Eternity Ring 除了一般看到的鑽石之外,還有藍寶、紅寶...等。

頁面可以選擇Ruby, Sapphire, Pink, Pink Sapphire, Yellow Sapphire。

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Blue Nile Sapphire and Diamond Graduated Curve Bracelet
Blue Nile Ruby and Diamond Graduated Curve Bracelet

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Blue Nile Petite Diamond Huggie Hoop Earrings

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Blue Nile Tahitian Cultured Pearl Infinity Pendant 很稀有的黑珍珠也有

Blue Nile Sapphire and Freshwater Cultured Pearl Halo Stud Earrings

Blue Nile Freshwater Cultured Pearl Stud Earrings  可選6mm/7mm/8mm,不同大小 (can choose different size)

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