
☆ Blue Nile

如果有在美國居住過,應該或多或少都有聽過Blue Nile。前陣子剛好認識女兒同學媽媽,開始慢慢接觸鑽石的知識,進而在網路上搜尋了解Blue Nile。

Blue Nile 是全球最大的網路鑽石銷售商,創立於1999年,擁有最豐富精準的裸鑽來源,簡單說,就是『名聲最大,貨源最多』。

而且,Blue Nile 提供可靠的優質產品,用最公道的價格來販售。甚至,還可以依據喜好和預算,客製自己的設計,戒指、項鍊...等等。

If you have been living in the United States, you must hear Blue Nile. Recently I met my daughter American school classmate's mom, who is a jewelry expert. Then I started to learn more about jewelry, especially diamonds, and know more about Blue Nile. Blue Nile is the biggest online dimond/jewlery retailer, founded in 1999. It has the most abundant diamond resource. Simply said, it's the most famous and best resource. And the price is very affordable and acceptable, unlike the other luxurious brands. As well, you can search on its website to customize your favorite style, 4C, budget, shape.....etc.

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Blue Nile 官網折扣優惠,折扣碼【Shoplooks2022

消費滿$1000美金,就可以現折$100。折扣碼期限只到 12/31/2022。只限定美國地區使用。

目前也有折扣:八折,不需要折扣碼  20% OFF Milestone Sale (8/29 - 9/18)


Today's point: Blue Nile discount code 【Shoplooks2022】$100 off with $1000 purchase. Expire Date: 12/31/2022. Valid in the US only.


在台灣也可以購買Blue Nile囉!而且他們即將在Line購物上市。

Blue Nile is also available to purchase in Taiwan plus we will soon be launching on LINE Shopping Taiwan.


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Blue Nile 台灣站 (中文顯示 + 台幣金額)

Blue Nile 美國站 



現在台灣站還有特價商品,可以來看看喔! 點這邊

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【網站清楚,方便找出自己要求 Easy to Search What you Want】


On their website, when choosing diamond, you can filter by what you want, like shape, price range, 4C. Compared to other luxury brands, the price is very good. And, after you find one diamond, you can check its GIA certificate on the website. 


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【調整戒圍大小 Resize】

網路購物最怕就是尺寸問題。Blue Nile 有承諾,在購買戒指的一年內,都可以免費resize 改戒圍。不過要注意,是有限制範圍的,大家可留意一下。

The most inconviniece of online shopping is about SIZE issue. Blue Nile has warranty that you can resize it within one year. But, it has a limited range (you can ask the online adviser). 


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◉ Riviera 密釘家傳之寶鑽石戒指   價格不用台幣1萬5

頁面上可以選擇要哪種金屬 material,總克拉數 carat,還有戒圍尺寸,尺寸大小很齊全,旁邊戒指尺寸說明點開也很詳細。

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